Dry Eye Blog

Dry Eye Blog

Dry Eye Blog

Dry Eye Blog

Dry Eye Blog

Our Dry Eye Blogs are written by East Main Vision Clinic team members especially for you, our valued patients!


Your Eyes and Cosmetics

March 8, 2021

Let us start this off with one simple question, do you read the ingredient label when choosing a cosmetic? If you answered no, just know you are not alone! Studies show that 71% of us do not read ingredient labels when it comes to cosmetics. Why is this important you ask? Well continue reading and we will tell you why!

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Dry Eye Disease

Dry Eye Disease

February 11, 2021

Certainly, many people have significant symptoms and know they have dry eye. But many others are not aware that they have dry eye. Dry eye disease slowly changes you and your eyes. Many people put off or downplay their symptoms blaming things like excessive computer use or age, but no matter the cause, dry eye disease is now treated more effectively than ever before.

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iLux Treatment for Dry Eye

iLux Treatment for Dry Eye

January 18, 2021

I want to spend a minute talking about one of the newest tools in our toolbox: The iLux. This system has been around 2 years, but the technology has improved greatly. It is a customizable treatment for dry eye.

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Dry Eye Before & After

What is iLux® Treatment?

November 30, 2020

iLux® treatment is an innovative, new, in-office treatment for meibomian gland dysfunction that helps patients overcome many of Dry Eye symptoms and enjoy improved quality of life. Here’s what you need to know about meibomian gland dysfunction and how iLux® treatment can help.

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How do Environmental Factors Affect Dry Eyes?

September 30, 2020

Dry eye disease is one of the most common eye afflictions in the world, and research has found that the number of people who experience the condition is steadily rising.

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woman with dry eye

Best Treatments for Dry Eye Syndrome

August 31, 2020

Unsurprisingly, dry eye syndrome is most often characterized by its title symptom – dry eyes. However, without treatment, dry eye syndrome can be debilitating and cause the patient to experience a range of unpleasant effects including itchiness, irritated eyes, redness, soreness, blurred vision, eye fatigue and more.

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Summer Dry Eyes

Why is Dry Eye Worse in the Summer?

July 22, 2020

Dry eye is one of the most common eye conditions in the world. It occurs when the body no longer makes enough tear film to keep eyes healthy and comfortable, or because the moisture that usually covers the surface of the eyes evaporates too quickly. Either way, this results in a range of unpleasant symptoms. These symptoms can include, redness, soreness, grittiness, blurred vision and sensitivity to light. 

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vision loss

Do Dry Eyes Cause Vision Loss?

June 26, 2020

When you have dry eyes, you don’t have adequate tears to nourish and lubricate your eyes. Eyes need healthy tears in order to have clear vision, and to maintain eye health.

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woman with dry eyes

Why Do I Wake Up With Dry Eyes?

April 14, 2020

Dry eyes can be incredibly uncomfortable with symptoms such as burning sensations, some pain, and redness. According to experts, this eye condition is often caused by insufficient production of tears or quick evaporation of tears. Some people even wake up with dry eyes, which is never a good start to the day. Let’s discuss why this happens.

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Dry Eye Pain

The Benefits of Treating Dry Eye with LipiFlow

February 10, 2020

If you have dry eyes, you spend each day dealing with the symptoms and you want relief. You are tired of red, itchy, uncomfortable eyes, and you’re also frustrated about using eyedrops constantly. LipiFlow is a thermal pulsation treatment for dry eyes, and it has lots of benefits. Let’s go over the benefits, so you can see if this dry eye treatment is right for you. 

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