March 24, 2020

Dry eyes might not sound like a serious problem, but for the many people that suffer from this condition, it can have a considerable impact on their day to day lives. Dry eye is a condition that occurs when there is a problem with the distribution of our natural eye lubrication, or tear film. This can be because our bodies are no longer making enough or the right quality tear film, or because it doesn’t stay on the surface of the eyes long enough. Fortunately, there are treatments that can help to resolve the unpleasant and debilitating symptoms associated with this condition.
Lipiflow: An Overview
Lipiflow is well known as being one of the most effective treatments for dry eyes. The Lipiflow technique uses thermal pulsation to break down and eliminate blockages in the meibomian glands. These glands, which are responsible for producing the oil layer of our tears, are one of the essential components in the tear film. The oil coats the surface of our eyes and keeps them lubricated. Over time, these glands can become blocked with hardened oil, preventing them from producing enough oil to make effective tear film and causing the symptoms of dry eyes.
Although patients will likely feel some warmth and vibrations against their eyes while the treatment takes place, Lipiflow is usually painless. It is also a quick process and the entire treatment can be performed during a lunch break. Some patients may notice an improvement in their symptoms right away, but others may notice an improvement a few days after their treatment.
Lipiflow is an effective standalone procedure, but the results it produces can be enhanced using another treatment called BlephEx.
What is BlephEx?
BlephEx is a hand-held electromechanical device that is applied to the margins of the eyelids in order to clean them and improve the flow of tear film onto the eyes. The BlephEx device has a spinning, surgical-grade sponge tip which is soaked with a gentle exfoliating solution before it is applied to the eyelids. While some patients report a “tickling” sensation, it is unlikely to cause any pain or discomfort. Some patients may experience mild irritation after the procedure, but this is not typical. The cleaning is fast and requires no downtime, enabling patients to get back to their usual activity immediately after.
BlephEx can be a valuable treatment at any time, but it has shown to be particularly helpful for those patients who suffer from a condition called blepharitis which causes inflammation of the eyelids – which can contribute to dry eyes.
BlephEx combined with Lipiflow treatment is one of the most efficient and successful methods of alleviating the symptoms of dry eyes. To find out more about this technique, or to schedule a consultation, please contact our clinic.