December 2, 2022

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is a treatment with notable uses. Some of the common ones are in treating dry eye and ocular rosacea. It is effective due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Here is a look at why it is the best treatment for ocular rosacea.
What Is IPL?
Intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) is a technology that uses broad-spectrum, high-intensity light pulses that range from infrared to blue. These penetrate the skin to reduce inflammation and help dyspigmentation.
How Does IPL Work?
The equipment emits pulsed light depending on the severity of your condition. As it penetrates your skin, it induces a mild local warming effect that allows for oil expression. The stagnant oil causes bacteria to develop which results in inflammation. As the warming effect allows for oil expression, it also destroys the bacteria and reduces inflammation.
How Does IPL Work for Ocular Rosacea?
Rosacea causes patients to experience a thickening of oil and other secretions around the eyes and nose. The stagnant oil traps bacteria that cause inflammation, resulting in redness and acne. Patients may also experience blepharitis, meibomitis, and dry eye. Thus, IPL is the best treatment for ocular rosacea since it combats all four of these conditions.
The whole process takes around 15 minutes per session. You may require three to six treatments, depending on the severity of your condition. Your eye doctor will separate the treatments by scheduling them two weeks apart.
IPL for ocular rosacea works in two ways:
1. Reducing Inflammation
The heat IPL delivers constricts blood vessels and liquefies immobile secretions. It gives patients relief as the inflammation reduces while also decreasing the redness, also improving appearance.
There is a subset of patients who benefit from the reduction of inflammation. These patients have broken blood vessels and red lid margins. IPL brings them more long-term relief than other treatments. It is due to its ability to decrease blood supply. It liquefies thickened secretions, reducing inflammation.
2. Stimulating Collagen Production
Collagen is the main structural protein in your skin. It is also present in other connective tissues and provides strength and support to your skin. IPL warms up the cells in your skin, stimulating collagen production. The increased production facilitates healing after treatment, allowing it to happen faster than in other treatments. It results in improved skin texture and remodeling, which increases its integrity.
It also helps deal with the lesions and the scars that acne leaves behind. Collagen makes your skin look supple and gives you a youthful appearance.
Considering all the above, it is clear that IPL is one of the best treatments for dealing with ocular rosacea. It is effective in dealing with skin issues and treating redness. It also deals with the stagnant secretions that cause blepharitis, meibomitis, and dry eye. The effects are long-term, improving lids and skin, because of this, it highly decreases the need for other therapies.
For more about IPL treatment for ocular rosacea, call East Main Vision Clinic in Puyallup, Washington at (253) 780-0700 to discuss any questions or book an appointment today.